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Jun 15, 20204 min read
Questioning identity: Who am I, really?
"Beneath the lives we see are the lives that are really lived, complete and utterly unknown." - Judith Freeman, The Chinchilla Farm...

May 27, 20203 min read
Joy and pain, sunshine and rain
Yes, I've titled this post with the snappy lyrics from Rob Base and DJ EZ Rock's anthem, "Joy and Pain." It's a terrible song, but it...

Apr 19, 20205 min read
My new friend: Fear
My kids are sick. Normally, this wouldn't be cause for alarm. My daughter seems to be prone to catching anything that is floating...

Apr 1, 20203 min read
Pandemic parenting: A micro-lesson in significance
One of the goals I have articulated for The Significance Project is to enhance my experience of significance as a member of my own...

Mar 25, 20204 min read
Grief: The never ending story
I've been torn apart put back together With a couple of pieces in wrong I'm holding up now But I won't be for long Head Over Heels Greg...

Mar 10, 20209 min read
Beautiful trauma
** Long post warning - this one is a doozy. I've been avoiding writing about trauma like the doomsday preppers have attempted to outrun...

Mar 6, 20203 min read
Time is not what I thought it was
It's a beautiful morning for a revelation about time. Bright sun shining, blue sky, brisk air after a frost. There's a little breeze...

Mar 4, 20203 min read
Am I enough?
When I first began The Significance Project, my Mom directed my attention to the yogic concept of Santosha, which is often referred to as...

Feb 25, 20203 min read
Attachment or non-attachment, that is the question
When I hear the word "attachment" I immediately think of attachment parenting. When my kids were born, attachment parenting was bubbling...

Feb 14, 20203 min read
Remembering myself
I'm starting to remember myself. No, I don't have a brain injury that's made me forget. I'm not sure how it happened, but over the...

Feb 1, 20203 min read
Dream a little dream
I'm paying closer attention to my dreams these days. Not a dreamy vision of the future, but the mad impulses my brain generates while...

Jan 30, 20202 min read
Pay attention!
So, I've hurt myself and I have a sick kid. Both of these things have led to a small (but maybe significant?) learning about attention...

Jan 28, 20202 min read
Relationship to resistance
Yoga strikes again. This time, I was in a restorative class with the wonderful Megan Bailey at Nanaimo Yoga Sanctuary. Megan had begun...

Jan 24, 20201 min read
A new entry point to (my)self
I do lots of yoga. I've been drawn to it for a better part of twenty years, first as a way to heal my body, but now more as a way to...

Jan 23, 20202 min read
Stuck in the mud
When my daughter was a toddler she used to play a game she called "stuck in the mud." The game consisted of her jamming all of her tiny...
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