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A new entry point to (my)self

I do lots of yoga. I've been drawn to it for a better part of twenty years, first as a way to heal my body,

but now more as a way to heal my mind. Intuitively, I feel like a healthy mind and sense of self is central to discovering what significance looks like in your life.

Sure enough, at a yin yoga class last night, my most delightful teacher (Danielle Dickson at Bee True Yoga) spoke about how yoga can help you find new entry points into yourself. Yes! As I contemplated that thought while in my forward fold, I realized that I have only ever made room for one version of myself. I have persisted in living as a single-faceted human, not believing that there might be another option. Surely there are more versions of me than that. I can hold more than one thought, belief, or emotion in my mind at once; I must also be able to be more than one static person at time (and not in the multiple personalities kind of way).

My curiosity has been piqued, but my pragmatic brain is also taking over. How can yoga help you find new entry points into yourself? How do you know when it's happened? How do you identify that other person, or people, that you can potentially be? What does significance look like for me, if there are multiple me's?

Pandora's box, really, but let's take this one step at a time. First, the researcher will read, and then report back. Stay tuned.


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